The DIscoverers (2 - 4 Years)
The Discoverers are based at The Den and are a term-time only setting which runs Monday-Friday between 9.30am – 2.30pm.
Much like our Jiggly Jumpers and Little Learners, The Discoverers aim to provide inviting and exciting learning opportunities through a variety of different activities and resources. The Discoverers have daily garden time in the nursery gardens and enjoy a picnic-style lunch (lunch boxes from home optional).
- Available during term-time
- Daily garden time
- Picnic-style lunch
- Monday – Friday 9.30am – 2.30pm
Our Discoverers will embrace opportunities to engage in self-care routines, learning about the World around them, and through play we aim to equip our children with maths and literacy skills, as well as social and emotional intelligence in order to best support them for their next stage in learning and life.